2022 Mk Marathon

Another late post! I’ll keep this one short. This would be my 9th MK marathon and the first time I’m running the actual course in two years! Also my first marathon since having Covid. It took me a while to remember how to prepare for this. The start felt a lot busier than I remembered it at previous attempts. I think this is an effect of not being used to being around other people, and that this event is getting increasingly popular over the years.

Training for this was not too great (no big surprise there), My fitness seemed to have dipped slightly since the Twin Lakes 20 so for this I decided to just try and get to the end, even if it meant walking.

There’s not much to really talk about with this one. I tried to stay ahead of the 4 hour pacer, but let them pass at mile 18. I was finding this quite difficult and needed to walk a bit towards the end.

I finally finished at around 4 hours 20. Not my best by any means but still good for my current level of fitness.

11 Jun 2022

2022 Twin Lakes 20

08 Sep 2022

2022 Dunstable Downs Marathon Challenge