It’s been about a month since I pledged to get myself back into running again. I’ve been trying a few things out in terms of planning in my runs and have found that the best time has been straight after I finish work. This gives me about half an hour or so while the kids are happy eating their dinner. I’ll also get out for a longer run at the weekend. Lorna’s been amazingly supportive with all this, as she’s on her own and outnumbered while I’m enjoying some quiet time on a run. Thank you!
I’ve been sticking to my plan of 4 x 30min runs a week, following a marathon schedule I’ve printed out which starts at about 15 miles a week and steadily increases. Baby steps! I’m still pretty much the same weight as before, but I’m feeling stronger as each week goes by. I’m more interested in increasing my fitness right now though and I’m sure the weight will come down soon enough.
My mood has improved so much this last month too – I’m really not myself if I don’t exercise and I’m always surprised how much of an impact running has when I haven’t been out in a while.
About a week ago I decided to set a new target for myself – to run 30miles a week until the end of the year. This will bring my year total to about 700 miles which would be amazing. It seems a bit ambitious but I managed to cover it last week and felt pretty good. I broke it down into 4 x 5 mile runs (about 40 mins each) on the weekdays and a 10 miler at the weekend. I’m feeling confident.