2022 Twin Lakes 20

This is another belated run that I’m trying to catch up with so I’ll try to keep this nice and short.

This is my first time taking part in this event – I’ve always run the Oakley 20 in March but I thought I’d give this a go instead as it’s much more local and convenient. I’d heard good things about this run and I’ve also got way too many Oakley 20 hoodies lying around now (I really do – it’s become something of an issue finding wardrobe space because of them!).

My training had been quite slow to start this year, and I tried to step up my efforts to be able to run the MK Marathon, so I gave this a good attempt. I decided to keep to a steady 9 minute mile pace and try not to overdo it.

I was impressed with how well organised the event was – I already had my race number In the post, there was plenty of parking and I just walked up to the start line next to the Ferris wheel. There was a massive queue for the portaloos though (to be expected right before the start). I managed to get myself sorted and to the start line just in time though!

The weather was good, sunny and still quite chilly, perfect for me. The course is two 10-mile loops between willer and Caldecott lakes with a nice bit of variety. All in all the run went well.

I was on target for a 3 hour finish but needed to walk for a few minutes at mile 18 due to some heart palpitations. Nothing serious but a bit uncomfortable. I was feeling good by the end. This was a great event – no fuss, nice and local and good for marathon training. I’d do this again.

11 Jun 2022

Belated 2021 Running Report

11 Jun 2022

2022 Mk Marathon